
About us


Child Protection


Here at The Mimshach School, we recognize the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment where all our pupils can thrive.

Children spend a better part of their days and time in the care of their teachers in school, hence, the need to ensure they are provided an environment that allows for building a healthy self- esteem, confidence, and communication channels with trusted adults for their protection from physical, emotional, sexual, and other forms of abuse. There is also a great need for children to be nurtured in a manner that fosters learning and growth both at home and in school.

The Mimshach School is committed to maintaining an atmosphere where pupils are encouraged to talk about their challenges and are listened to. Pupils are also assured that there are adults in school who they can approach if they are worried, or in difficulty. This information is made available through assemblies, circle time and the gender-based meetings in the school (Girls’ Chat Room and Kings’ Court).

This policy applies to the whole school: Toddler Community up to Primary 5 as well as all members of staff including part-time and volunteers.


Any member of staff who receives a disclosure of abuse, an allegation or suspects that abuse may have occurred must report it immediately to the Principal Child Protection Officer or in their absence, the Deputy. In the absence of either of the above, the matter should be brought to the attention of the Executive Director.

Staff to whom an allegation is made should note the following:

  • You must not promise confidentiality
  • Do not interrupt the child if he or she is freely recalling significant events. Limit any questions to clarifying your understanding of what the child is saying. Do not ask leading questions or put ideas in the child’s mind.
  • You must report orally to the school’s designated child protection officer immediately.
  • Make a note of the discussion (using the form provided by the school) within the same day. The note should be clear in its use of language. The time, date, place and people present should be clearly stated. The concerned child’s statements and responses should be written exactly as stated as much as possible.
  • Your responsibility in terms of referring concerns ends at this point, but you may have a future role in terms of supporting or monitoring the child, contributing to an assessment and implementing child protection plans where necessary.

This written record must be placed in the Child Protection book/file by the Principal Child Protection officer and kept in a safe and locked location.


Our school offers a supportive environment for our pupils through the following:

  • Maintenance of a positive, warm and secure environment and which gives all pupils and adults a sense of being valued and respected.
  • The maintenance and consistent use of positive discipline and a constant reminder of class rules which ensures pupils are aware of unacceptable behaviour and the consequences.
  • Commitment to practicing an inclusion culture that gives all pupils a sense of belonging irrespective of their background and peculiar challenges.
  • Training our members of staff to respond appropriately to child protection situations.
  • Ensuring that children with special needs and behavioural difficulties who are most vulnerable to abuse are monitored for speedy intervention.
  • Educating pupils about abuse through assemblies, gender based meetings (Girls’ Chat Room and Kings’ Court), Character Education curriculum and events like Anti-Bullying Week. Pupils learn what abuse is, how and why it is important to report abuse as well as what to do if they are being abused.


As part of our Child Protection policy, house helps, drivers, unknown visitors and strangers are not allowed to take pictures or record videos of our pupils at school events. Parents, family members and siblings may do so but are encouraged to employ discretion when uploading pictures/videos of the children on the internet.

Pupils are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school and staff are encouraged not to use their phones during school hours.

By filling and signing our admission form, parents consent to the use of their children’s photographs on the School’s social media pages, website and promotional materials.

  • The School will ensure that necessary checks are in place before any person is employed.
  • All members of staff are well advised on appropriate interactions as well as physical handling of pupils.
  • All members of staff are given access to information on the school’s procedures for handling allegations and abuse.
  • The school has in place security apparatuses to protect children and staff from the risk of abuse within the school.
  • Members of staff are strongly encouraged to never place themselves in a position where their actions will draw allegations or suspicions of abuse and/or harm to a pupil. Examples: Threatening to hit a pupil, unnecessary physical contact, inappropriate electronic communication, unauthorized one-to-one coaching e.t.c.

Kindly call or send us an email to request the full version of our Child Protection Policy.

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